How To Fix Disney plus error code 90?

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Disney Plus Error Code 90

There are so many magical movies on Disney Plus. Every magical story from their hat is at your disposal.

Millions of users log into the application to watch their favourite titles on Disney Plus. 

However, there are some errors and issues on the platform that do not disappear magically. These have to be understood in depth before elimination.

There are support forums as well as an official website support team to help you with the error codes.

We have combined the error code as well as the explanations of the fixes that you can apply to get rid of the error.

In this article, we will explain how to fix Disney plus error code 90.

Before that, however, we will discuss what is the meaning of the error code 90, as well as what are the reasons behind the error code.

Let’s start.

What Does error code 90 Means on Disney Plus?

There are many different error codes on Disney plus and each one of them conveys a different issue that you need to deal with.

It is very important to completely be in the know about the issue at hand. If you do not understand the issue, you will not be able to solve it.

The error code 90 on Disney Plus shows up when the IP address that you are using is blocked by the platform. This might also be an issue of the misconfiguration of the router being used.

You might face this error on any device. There are no specifics on this.

Why are you facing the error code 90 on Disney Plus?

There are many different reasons that can be used to explain the issue behind error code 90 on Disney Plus.

When you take a look at the list of reasons, the picture will become clear to you about what is the problem on your end.

Here is the list of reasons that can explain the error code 90.

  • There are Internet Service Provider restrictions interfering with the platform function
  • Your HDMI connection is faulty
  • The Disney server is down
  • Your device is facing problems
  • The downloaded app is facing a software glitch
  • Your internet connection is faulty

These are some reasons identified behind the error code 90 on Disney plus. We will now discuss the fixes in detail in the next section.

How To fix the error code 90 on Disney Plus?

Now we are in the know about the issues that can cause the error code 90 to surface on Disney Plus.

We can now move forward and take a look at the various fixes suggested for the error code. 

Fix 1: Check your internet service provider plan

The internet service provider that you use to get connected to the internet can place several restrictions on the content that you watch or the websites that you visit.

When you first get this error code on the Disney Plus stream, contact your internet service provider and ask them about the restrictions that may be present on your network.

If there is a problem on the internet service provider’s end, it will be solved right here when you register a support ticket.

Fix 2: Your HDMI connection is faulty

The TV connection needs an HDMI cable and an HDMI port.  If the HDMI cable is broken or not connected properly, you will not be able to enjoy the streaming of content on your TV.

This is one of the major causes of the error code 90 on Disney.

Check for the secure connection of the HDMI cable before you proceed to the other fixes in this article.

Fix 3: Check your internet connection

Considering that you are streaming high-resolution content directly from the Disney server and not some locally stored content, an internet connection with reliable speed is necessary.

Make sure that the speed of your internet connection is stable. This is easy to check through any internet speed meter online.

You can find many for free. Also, check your internet plan to take a look at the speed that you get for the price that you pay.

Fix 4: The Disney server is down

We have already established the fact that the content is stored on the server and hence, the server needs to be in touch at all times with the streaming device.

When too many users storm the site at once, the site may experience crashes. Sometimes, there are also scheduled outages for maintenance.

In the case the server is down, the only thing you can do is wait till the developmental team solves the error.

Fix 5: Your device is facing problems

It is possible that the device you are using for streaming is facing some troubles and is not able to support the platform.

You can confirm this by trying to log in on another device. If the platform is working fine on that device, switch the device and repair the problems with the earlier device.

Fix 6: The Disney Plus app is glitching

It is very routine for the apps to run into software glitches and stop functioning. There are a couple of fixes you can try.

Try to restart the app. Log out of the app, clear the cache, and then relaunch the app. If this does not work, you can also try a fresh reinstall on the app.

When you decide to reinstall the app, the older version with the glitches is discarded and a new copy with no troubles yet is installed.

Fix 7: Contact the Disney Plus support

When you purchase the subscription to Disney Plus, you are also buying access to the support team that can help you through the troubles on the platform.

If none of the above solutions have worked for you, raise a support request on the platform. They will provide you with a solution by analyzing your unique situation.


The error code 90 on Disney Plus is a common error and therefore, it has many fixes listed on the internet that have worked for different users.

We have made a list of all the fixes so that it is convenient for you to find them all in one place. We hope that this helped.

Happy Streaming!!

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Rahul Choudhary is a technology and troubleshooting expert. He gives his expert opinion on different technology trends and provides troubleshooting guides for different apps, websites, & consumer hardware products. He graduated in BA English Honours from the University Of Delhi, and later he learned HTML and WordPress. He also did a certificate course in Hardware and Network Troubleshooting , and a certificate course in Computer Architecture.