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» Home » Error Codes » Internet » How To Fix “SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE” in Firefox?

Using Mozilla Firefox as a browser is uncommon but some people swear by the program because it means more secure connections.

However, there are some issues on the browser that you will see in the form of error codes. Sometimes, these interruptions are good because they take your attention towards the harmful programs that might exist on the internet.

In this article, we will discuss the topic of Fixing. SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE in Firefox. This error code means that the site you are trying to connect to has failed the secure connection test.

We will discuss how to fix this error code and access the website that you want to in the next section.

How to solve the error code SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE in Firefox?

As we know that the error prompt that you receive with this error code is “secure connection failed”, this means that the site that you are trying to connect to is not secure.

You should not visit the website because it could be harmful and there are times when the error code is unnecessary.

Let us discuss all the possibilities and the individual fixes.

Fix 1: Take note of the website that you are visiting

Is the website you are trying to visit actually a secure website? Is this a website that you are just coming across?

When you face this error code, the first possibility you should look for is the possibility of the website being insecure. If you cannot trust the website, terminate the connection when you face this error code.

Fix 2: The website is secure you need to fix the root directory

If you face this error code while visiting a website that you trust, then you need to make changes to the root directory in Firefox.

This might be a little complicated. We have listed down the steps for you to make it easier. 

Follow these steps to change the profile in Firefox.

  • Type the address ‘about : profiles’ in the Firefox address bar.
  • You will find many profiles. Click on the profile that you are using.
  • Click on the option Open Folder in the Root Directory
  • You will see the files with the extensions cert9.db, and cert_override.txt. 
  • Delete the files that have the extensions mentioned.
  • Then refresh or relaunch the browser.
  • This will solve the root directory problem in Firefox.

Fix 3: Clear the cookies and cache in the browser

The cookies and cache backup on the browser can cause many problems with website connections.

You can clear the memory by clearing the cache memory of the browser. Refresh the browser and it will help you to free the memory on the browser.

Fix 4: Contact the support team

If this does not help you and you are sure that the website that you are trying to connect to is actually secure, you can contact Mozilla Firefox support.

You can also raise a complaint on the user forum for the browser. Many other users have dealt with the same issues in the past and can help you with the solutions that helped them in the past.

To conclude

The error code SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE in Firefox means that the browser could not connect you to a website as a secure connection could not be established. 

We have mentioned appropriate solutions for the same and we hope that these helped you with the issue.

Keep following for more technical advice.

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Rahul Choudhary is a technology and troubleshooting expert. He gives his expert opinion on different technology trends and provides troubleshooting guides for different apps, websites, & consumer hardware products. He graduated in BA English Honours from the University Of Delhi, and later he learned HTML and WordPress. He also did a certificate course in Hardware and Network Troubleshooting , and a certificate course in Computer Architecture.