How To Fix Error Codes in Mitsubishi Air Conditioner? | All in one error codes and fixes Guide

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» Home » Error Codes » Electronics Products » How To Fix Error Codes in Mitsubishi Air Conditioner? | All in one error codes and fixes Guide

Mitsubishi being one of the leading brands in Electronics and Modern Appliances. It has come a long way in the advancements of technology and upgrades.

Today, most modern electronic devices and appliances coming out of Mitsubishi are well equipped with smart self-diagnostics features and systems, making it extremely easy for users to quickly troubleshoot and fix problems all on their own. 

It does not matter whether you are technically sound or not.

If you can read and follow some simple steps and instructions as mentioned by Misubishi’s self-diagnostic guide for their devices, fixing any issues right at home is very much possible and viable.

To make matters even more smooth, our following A to Z guide on the Mitsubishi AC and its error fixes, covers it all in detail so that fixing any kind of errors popping up is as easy as it can get.

How To Fix Error Codes In Mitsubishi Air Conditioner

How to look at Mitsubishi AC Errors?

Now, how you look out for the Errors displaying upon your AC screen as well as remote is very crucial and may vary depending upon the Mitsubishi Series, you have at your home.

Hence, it is very important that you first find out which series you have with you and then check for the faults corresponding to your respective AC series.

Below, I have divided and listed out all the possible errors which may pop up on your AC device as well as how to deal with them accordingly. 

How to check for Mitsubishi AC Errors?

This part is very important and crucial in order to detect and analyze the cause of the error correctly.

As mentioned briefly above, depending upon the series of AC you have installed, the indications the AC provides for a particular error may vary.

However, the way you analyze the error message sent to you by the AC in the form of LED blinks and audio beeps tells you what kind of an error has occurred.

When you tally these blinks and beeps with the chart provided below, can you get an idea of what type of error may have occurred.

But, before we head to the Fault Code Check List chart, let us first look in detail at the steps involved in detecting the type of error from the very beginning.

Step 1 – Understand that there are mainly two units which reveal what kind of error has occurred. They are: the wireless remote unit and the IDU receiver unit (the LED screen on the main AC unit).

Step 2 – If your AC has a problem or is trying to point out an error, then the Operation lamp on the IDU unit will continuously blink and make a beeping sound.

Step 3 – If that is the case then, you will need to first turn off the IDU device with the help of your wireless remote and at the same time switch off from the remote as well by pressing on the ON/OFF button on the remote.

Step 4 – Once both the devices are switched off, next press the CHECK button on the remote twice in an interval of ten seconds or even once depending upon which remote you have.

Step 5 – Then on the remote screen, you should be able to see Check under Mode and IDU address as 00 on the last row.

Step 6 – Now, holding your remote towards the IDU receiver unit, press on the h button once and hear for the number of beeps as well as number of blinks from the Green LED indicator.

Step 7 – Here, depending upon which LED indicator is blinking i.e. either A or B. You should be able to understand whether the issue is an indoor error or outdoor. Usually, A represents indoor error, and B represents outdoor errors. Still, it is advised that you check your manual first to decide which represents what.

Step 8 – Lastly and most importantly, depending upon the number of blinks or beeps you might have noted in you will be able to compare it with the chart given below to look for what type of error has occurred and fix it accordingly.

Here is a detailed information brochure list of all the possible errors according to their series types as well as whether the AC is installed for domestic or commercial heating as well.

You can refer to this list to find what errors may have occurred on your device and find the solutions from the official Mitsubishi Error Code Look Up website, as shown below.

The website comes in pretty handy when you need to find detailed solutions on how to go on fixing the error on your own.

How to Fix Any Error With Mitsubishi AC?

Once you have the error table list or even a hard copy manual that may have come with your AC hardware unit, you can head to the following website and follow the following steps as shown below:

Step 1 – Click on the following link, “Mitsubishi Electric Error Code Lookup” and head to their official troubleshoot portal.

Step 2 – Once you are on the site, as shown below, type the error code. In our case, we have taken ‘P1’ i.e. P LED blinking once, and press on the Search Error Codes.

Step 3 – Then, as you can see from the image below, it will list out all the important information like DescriptionCausesCheck Procedures as well as Technical Support Notes, with the help of which you can take the necessary actions to fix the issues.

As you can already see from the image above, the Causes as well as the Check procedures are pretty straight forward and can be followed even if you are not very technical and trying to troubleshoot for the very first time.

You can definitely refer to the Technical Support Notes for more information and easily take care of the issue on your own.


Thus, in this way, you can very well deal with and take care of the errors on your own at home, without having to dial on their support number every single time and have to wait in line to connect to their help desk, every single time an error occurs.

I hope this article helps you in figuring out how to detect a certain error and deal with it accordingly.

However, if still, an error persists, then you obviously have to go with the inevitable call for help from the Mitsubishi Help Desk.

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Rahul Choudhary is a technology and troubleshooting expert. He gives his expert opinion on different technology trends and provides troubleshooting guides for different apps, websites, & consumer hardware products. He graduated in BA English Honours from the University Of Delhi, and later he learned HTML and WordPress. He also did a certificate course in Hardware and Network Troubleshooting , and a certificate course in Computer Architecture.