How To Fix Roku Error Code 005?

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» Home » Error Codes » Roku » How To Fix Roku Error Code 005?

If you are trying to update your Roku device and witness the error code 005, this will usually show up with the prompt that says, unable to update software.

Everyone must be aware that software updates are critical for any device to function correctly and when you face issues with the update itself, it can kickstart many other issues on the device.

In this article, we will discuss how to fix Roku error code 005.

The issue with the update on Roku can be initiated due to many problems that we will discuss in the next section with the solutions.

Let’s discuss the fixes to the error code 005 on Roku.

How to fix the error code 005 on Roku?

Not only is it important to update Roku for the appropriate functioning of the platform, but it can also be a lot of hassle to get stuck on the update screen.

In some cases, you will not even be able to exit the update screen and that is nothing but trouble. Here is how you can get rid of the error code 005 and get yourself out of this mess.

Fix 1: Check if your internet connection is stable

Needing a stable internet connection for downloading any update on any device is not something new that we are telling you.

We are sure that you are aware of this as well but the reason that we mention this point is that sometimes people jump straight to the complicated solutions without even trying for an easy alternative.

Check if the internet speed and connectivity for your connection are stable. You can check this through any free internet speed meter through a simple Google search.

The website will send pings to your connection and determine the upload and download speed for your internet connection. 

If the internet speed is slow, it is time to take a look at the issues that might be behind it. The best thing to do is to contact your internet service provider to help you with the issue.

Fix 2: Check if the wires to the Roku device are connected properly

When you are connecting Roku to the internet, in addition to the internet speed and stability, you also need to check for the proper connection of wires.

In the case of a wired connection, it is very important that the cables are connected securely. It is also important to check if the wires are broken or in a good state. 

If you find that the wires that are connected to Roku and the router are broken, you should immediately replace them.

This is not just necessary for the proper internet connection but not replacing broken cables and wires can be a potential safety risk.

Fix 3: Check the router health

The router that is connected to Roku for internet connectivity purposes can be the culprit behind the update issue on Roku.

This can happen in cases where the router is stuck in a frozen state and cannot forward a connection to Roku. It can also mean a serious hardware issue with the router.

The router should be checked for internet connectivity in this case. Check the other connected devices to see if the router is providing internet.

If it is not, try to restart the router.  If restarting does not work, and the router is malfunctioning, you might need to perform a factory reset on the router to get it back on track.

Fix 4: Check if the network hardware is updated

Are you aware that the network hardware which includes the router and the modem also needs to be updated on a regular basis?

We are sure that many of you are hearing it for the first time here. 

Yes, you need to check for new updates on your router and modem so that they can perform their functions without causing you any trouble. 

So, before you blame Roku for not being able to complete the update process, ask yourself the question if you have updated the network hardware.

Fix 5: Power cycle your Roku device

Temporary glitches on the Roku device might cause it to freeze. To thaw the issue and get the device back to functioning, you will need to perform a power cycle on the Roku device. 

Here is how you can do this in easy steps:

  • Turn off the device and unplug all the connected wires. 
  • Wait for a few minutes. We suggest that you give it about five-ten minutes.
  • Plug the device back in.
  • Turn it on.

This is how you can power cycle Roku to get out of the error 005 screens.

If this does not work for you, you can factory reset the Roku device but that means that everything set on the device will be erased and you will be starting from scratch after the reset.

Therefore, make sure that you are only performing the factory reset when all else has failed.

Fix 6: Contact the Roku support team

Do none of the above options seem to be working for you?

You can contact the Roku support team to help you with the particular issue that you are facing for a personalized solution.

To conclude

The error code 005 on Roku is an issue that corresponds to the update process being broken for the Roku device.

There are several issues and several solutions that can help solve these issues.  We have mentioned all the helpful solutions that can help you get rid of this error code.

We hope that this was a helpful resource. Keep following for more technical advice.

Happy Streaming!!

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Rahul Choudhary is a technology and troubleshooting expert. He gives his expert opinion on different technology trends and provides troubleshooting guides for different apps, websites, & consumer hardware products. He graduated in BA English Honours from the University Of Delhi, and later he learned HTML and WordPress. He also did a certificate course in Hardware and Network Troubleshooting , and a certificate course in Computer Architecture.